About The Cuban Studies Institute

The Cuban Studies Institute objectives are to preserve and disseminate the history and culture of Cuba; provide research and information about contemporary Cuba, U.S.-Cuba relations and Cuban-Americans and prepare for change in the island.  We are a depository of the most comprehensive contemporary information on Cuba and sponsor research, seminars and briefings for the public and private sectors.


Meet the Cuban Studies Institute

Jaime Suchlicki, Ph.D.

President of the Cuban Studies Institute

He is the author of Cuba: From Columbus to Castro, now in its sixth edition, and Mexico: From Montezuma to the Rise of the Pan. He also directed Cuba: From Columbus to Castro, a video on Cuba’s history narrated by Andy GarciaHe is a highly regarded consultant to the public and private sector.


Luis Leonel León

Vice President / Senior Research

Cuban writer, columnist and filmmaker. Author of numerous essays and documentaries on Cuba and its exiles. Editor of the Anuario Histórico CubanoAmericano. Member of the Academia de la Historia de Cuba en el Exilio. Publisher/Founder of Colección Fugas and El Nuevo Conservador


Maria C. Urizar

Program Coordinator/ Office Manager

Susel Brocca

Research Consultant

Senior Research Associates

Alvaro Alba

Supervisory Managing Editor, Internet Division, Office of Cuba Broadcasting.

Carlos Alberto Montaner

Writer and journalist, author of numerous books and articles.

Eloy Cepero

Historian, and musicologist.

Graciella Cruz Taura, Ph.D.

Professor of History, Florida Atlantic University

Robert Cruz, Ph.D.

Founder and Principal, Economic Analysis & Research Group, Inc.; Adjunct Professor of Economics, Miami Dade College.

Mario González-Corzo, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Economics, Lehman College of The City University of New York (CUNY).

Ambassador Otto Reich.

former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela.

Marcos Antonio Ramos, S.Th.D.

Historian and theologian, General Editor of Herencia magazine.

Ignacio Uría, Ph.D.

Professor of International Relations, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain

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