Cuban Studies Institute

The Cuban Studies Institute (Instituto de Estudios Cubanos) is a research, non-profit center, that disseminates the reality about Cuba and its foreign policy.

Las mujeres obtienen el derecho al voto – 3 de febrero de 1934

El 3 de febrero de 1934, el artículo 38 de una nueva constitución extendió el sufragio a las mujeres cubanas. Las feministas cubanas habían hecho campaña activamente por el derecho al voto desde los primeros días de la República. A comienzos de la década de 1920, el sufragio universal se había convertido en el tema […]

Las mujeres obtienen el derecho al voto – 3 de febrero de 1934 Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – February 3, 1934. Article 38 of a new constitution extended the suffrage to Cuban women.

Cuban feminists had actively campaigned for the right to vote since the first days of the Republic. By the early 1920s, universal suffrage had become the unifying flagship issue among a full spectrum of social and political positions held by Cuban women’s associations throughout the island nation. This activism linked women to the political crisis

This Day in Cuban History – February 3, 1934. Article 38 of a new constitution extended the suffrage to Cuban women. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 28, 1853. Jose Martí was born.

Jose Martí, Cuba’s greatest hero and most influential writer.  Revolutionary, poet, journalist, and the principal organizer of the Independence War of 1895-1898, he was the apostle of Cuba’s independence.  Born in Havana, January 28, of a Valencian father and “isleño” mother, he spent his early years as an eager student.  His environment and teachers aroused

This Day in Cuban History – January 28, 1853. Jose Martí was born. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 28, 1879. Cardinal Manuel Arteaga was born

Born in Puerto Principe (now Camagüey), January 28, Cardinal Manuel Arteaga studied theology and civil law from 1892 at the University of Caracas, Venezuela. After his 1904 ordination he became foreign curate at Cumaná and later Canon in the Cathedral of Guyana.  In 1910 he represented the Archdiocese of Caracas at the Madrid Eucharistic Congress,

This Day in Cuban History – January 28, 1879. Cardinal Manuel Arteaga was born Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 24, 1898. El USS Maine entró en el puerto de La Habana.

On January 24, 1898, the USS Maine steamed into Havana’s Harbor, under the venerable watch of the Morro Castle and anchored close to the Spanish cruiser Alfonso XII and the Ward line steamer City of Washington. The USS Maine had been sent to protect American citizens in response to the U.S. Consul in Havana Fitzhug

This Day in Cuban History – January 24, 1898. El USS Maine entró en el puerto de La Habana. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 22, 1896. On January 22, 1896, Antonio Maceo, at the head of the Cuban forces fighting for independence, reached Mantua, Pinar del Rio, successfully completing the invasion of the Western provinces.

On January 22, 1896, Antonio Maceo, at the head of the Cuban forces fighting for independence, reached Mantua, Pinar del Rio, successfully completing the invasion of the Western provinces.  It was an extraordinary strategic victory.  The war was now to be fought in the fields of Cuba’s most profitable sugar region. The invasion, that began

This Day in Cuban History – January 22, 1896. On January 22, 1896, Antonio Maceo, at the head of the Cuban forces fighting for independence, reached Mantua, Pinar del Rio, successfully completing the invasion of the Western provinces. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 18, 1934. The Demised of the 1933 Revolution.

On January 18, 1934, Colonel Carlos Mendieta, a distinguished veteran of the War of Independence (1895-1898) became Cuba’s provisional president.  In the turbulent and confused political period that followed the fall of Gerardo Machado (August 1933), Mendieta was succeeding Carlos Hevia, who was President of Cuba from 5 p.m. on Monday, January 15, 1934, to

This Day in Cuban History – January 18, 1934. The Demised of the 1933 Revolution. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 16, 1901. Rubén Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was born (1901-1973).

Rubén Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar (1901-1973).  President of Cuba, 1940-44 and Dictator, 1952-1958.  Born in Banes, Oriente province, January 16, the son of a sugar cane cutter, he spent his early years in poverty and attended a Quaker missionary school.  After leaving school he worked as a tailor’s apprentice, cane-field laborer, grocery clerk, barber, and

This Day in Cuban History – January 16, 1901. Rubén Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar was born (1901-1973). Leer más »

Nacimiento de Fulgencio Batista – 16 de enero de 1901

Rubén Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar (1901-1973), Presidente de Cuba, 1940-44 y Dictador, 1952-1958. Nacido en Banes, provincia de Oriente, el 16 de enero, hijo de un cortador de caña de azúcar, pasó sus primeros años en la pobreza y asistió a una escuela misionera cuáquera. Después de abandonar la escuela, trabajó como aprendiz de sastre,

Nacimiento de Fulgencio Batista – 16 de enero de 1901 Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – January 10, 1923. (F.E.U.), Cuba’s first organized Students’ Federation

Federación Estudiantil Universitaria (F.E.U.), Cuba’s first organized Students’ Federation, created in late 1922 with Julio Mella as secretary and popular figurehead, in response to the corruption and incompetence of many professors at the University of Havana.  Although its first important manifesto on January 10, 1923, concerned only university issues, it was regarded as a challenge

This Day in Cuban History – January 10, 1923. (F.E.U.), Cuba’s first organized Students’ Federation Leer más »

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