A series of riots (looting, arson, police station bombings and c3,000 deaths) that took place in Bogotá, Colombia, following the April 9, 1948, murder of the popular Liberal Party leader Jorge Eliécer Gaitán and the assassin’s lynching by an angry mob. Argentine President Juan Domingo Perón, seeking to establish an anti-imperialist Latin American Student Union under his control, had sponsored a student meeting to protest against the Ninth Pan American Conference then being held in the city to create the Organization of American States, which the Communists were also intent on disrupting. Fidel Castro was one of four Cubans among students whose attendance the Perón government had financed. Castro was caught up in the rioting, whose violence rocked Colombian society. Picking up a rifle from a police station, he joined the mobs and roamed the streets distributing anti-United States propaganda and exciting the populace to revolt. His exact motivation and activities are a source of controversy. One of his student companions, denies that he was then a Communist. “It was,” claims Enrique Ovares, “a hysteric, ambitious, and uncontrollable Fidel who acted in these events.” Pursued by the police, he and his fellow Cubans escaped to the Cuban embassy and were flown back to Cuba.

Thanks to Cuba, Russia is a growing threat to the U.S.
*By Jaime Suchlicki The recent visit to Cuba and the Caribbean by a contingent of Russian naval war vessels and submarines indicates
1 comentario en “Bogotazo”
Interesante historieta que al parecer no tiene mucho que ver con la realidad.
Dicen las malas lenguas, entre estas la mia, que el bogotazo fue la primera actividad internacional en la que participa Fidel Castro actuando ya como agente de la CIA de acuerdo a las instrucciones del Secretario de Estado norteamericano, Mr. Marshall.
Hay quienes dicen que fue James Jesus Angleton un peligroso agente de campo de la CIA y quien devino despues como jefe de la Contra Inteligencia de la agencia, quien personammente disparo con un rifle Springfield matando a Gaytan.
Fue el embajador cubano ante Washington, Mr. Bell quien le proveyo a Castrto y los demas, de documentos comunistas y se encargo del transporte etc.
Se dice que fue el Dpto de estado el mas interesado en sabotear aquella reunion para crear la OEA.
Los otros tres cubanos que acompanaban a Castro, ademas de Ovares, eran Alfredo Guevara viejo agente de la CIA y militante homosexual comunista, Rafael del Pino, otro agente de la CIA que fue apresado despues por Castro y suicidado en cautiverio.
El Bogotazo fue una actividad revolucionaria de la CIA en Colombia.
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