Prominent Cubans

José Martí (José Julián Martí y Pérez, 1853-1895)

Cuba’s greatest hero and most influential writer.  Revolutionary, poet, journalist, and the principal organizer of the Independence War of 1895-1898, he was the apostle of Cuba’s independence.  Born in Havana, January 28, of a Valencian father and “isleño” mother, he spent his early years as an eager student.  His environment and teachers aroused in him a devotion to the cause […]

José Martí (José Julián Martí y Pérez, 1853-1895) Leer más »

Félix Varela y Morales [Presbítero] (1787-1853)

Havana-born philosopher, Father Varela studied at the Colegio y Seminario de San Carlos, where he became a priest and professor of philosophy as the protégé of Bishop Díaz de Espada.  Many of his students, including José Antonio Saco and José de la Luz y Caballero, achieved intellectual distinction.  He favored modern doctrines and pioneered explicative

Félix Varela y Morales [Presbítero] (1787-1853) Leer más »

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