
Labor Conditions in Cuba and the Social Responsibility of Foreign Investors**

* By Jesús R. Mercader Uguina All Member States of the International Labor Organization (ILO), including Cuba, are committed to the respect of the principles and fundamental rights established by international labor law, and in particular to those included in the Declaration of the ILO with regards to labor principles and basic rights. The Declaration […]

Labor Conditions in Cuba and the Social Responsibility of Foreign Investors** Leer más »

What Cubans Can Not Do Under Raul Castro

* Jaime Suchlicki Cubans can not: • Travel abroad without government permission. • Change jobs without government permission. • Change residence without government permission. • Access the Internet without government permission (the Internet is closely monitored and controlled by the government. Less than 10% of the population has access to the Internet). • Send their children to

What Cubans Can Not Do Under Raul Castro Leer más »


* By Jaime Suchlicki Faithful to Lenin’s ideas that the school should “educate and prepare members of the Communist society,” the Castro revolution used education as the instrument to build the new society – to develop the socialist man. Speaking of the educational aims of the revolutionary regime, party Organization Secretary Armando Hart explained that the


The Making of the “New Socialist Men” in Cuba

*By Jaime Suchlicki Faithful to Lenin’s ideas that the school should “educate and prepare members of the Communist society,” the Castro revolution has used education as the instrument to build a new society – to develop the socialist man. The creation of the new man required a change in the values and attitudes of most

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Cuba: What to Expect

The Domestic Scene The limited economic changes introduced by Gen. Raúl Castro in Cuba encouraged some observers to proclaim the end of communism and the dismantling of the totalitarian system in the island. Notwithstanding Raúl Castro’s own statements that he was not elected to restore capitalism, these observers insisted on their belief that economic reforms

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CUBA: ¿Qué se puede esperar?

La situación interna Los limitados cambios económicos introducidos por el general Raúl Castro en Cuba animaron a algunos observadores a proclamar el fin del comunismo y el desmantelamiento del sistema totalitario en la isla. A pesar de las declaraciones de Raúl Castro de que no fue elegido para restaurar el capitalismo, estos observadores insisten que

CUBA: ¿Qué se puede esperar? Leer más »

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