This Day In Cuban History

This Day in Cuban History – December 8, 1902. Born in Sagua la Grande Wilfredo Lam

Wilfredo Lam (1902-1982), Cuban painter born in Sagua la Grande of Chinese and Black parents.  His contact with African, Chinese, and Spanish culture in his birthplace was recreated in such paintings as La Jungla where Western details combined with exotic and mystic tones of Africa and China.  He studied in the Academia de San Alejandro […]

This Day in Cuban History – December 8, 1902. Born in Sagua la Grande Wilfredo Lam Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – December 7, 1896. Death of General J. Antonio Maceo y Grajales.

On the 7th of December, Cubans commemorate a National Day of Mourning, a Memorial Day to honor those who died fighting for Cuban independence. The date was selected to particularly honor the death of General J. Antonio Maceo y Grajales, who was killed on December 7, 1896 at Punta Brava (22 miles SW of Havana), when he

This Day in Cuban History – December 7, 1896. Death of General J. Antonio Maceo y Grajales. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – December 3, 1822. Dr. Carlos Finlay was born.

Dr. Carlos Finlay was born on December 3, 1822 in Puerto Principe, Camagüey, of a Scott father and a French creole mother from Trinidad.  Studied in France and graduated as a physician from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. In 1855, he opened his private practice specializing in yellow fever.  He wrote forty articles on the disease.

This Day in Cuban History – December 3, 1822. Dr. Carlos Finlay was born. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – November 30, 1956. The Santiago de Cuba Uprising

On November 30, 1956, Frank País led the Santiago uprising, scheduled to coincide with Fidel Castro’s landing near the Sierra Maestra, Oriente.  A few weeks before, Frank País, the 23-year old “Santiaguero,” traveled to Mexico for a final meeting to coordinate the internal rebellion and Castro’s return to Cuba. On August 5, 1956, and running

This Day in Cuban History – November 30, 1956. The Santiago de Cuba Uprising Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – November 25, 1999. Elian González. Rescued from an inner tube floating in the Florida Strait.

Elian González (1993-  ).  Rescued from an inner tube floating in the Florida Strait, November 25, 1999, two days after his mother, Elizabeth Brotón, and 10 companions had drowned trying to reach Miami from Cuba, this small boy (born December 6) became the subject of a six month politicized custody battle, between his father in

This Day in Cuban History – November 25, 1999. Elian González. Rescued from an inner tube floating in the Florida Strait. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – The execution of eight medical students at the University of Havana.

On November 27th, 1871, the most pitiless act of injustice during the Wars of Cuban Independence took place: the execution of eight young Cubans, all medical students at the University of Havana. They were condemned without evidence, charged with desecrating the tomb of the editor of a newspaper published by the paramilitary Corps of Spanish

This Day in Cuban History – The execution of eight medical students at the University of Havana. Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – (born) November 20, 1788. Félix Varela y Morales

Félix Varela y Morales (1787-1853). Havana born priest and philosopher. Father Varela studied at the Colegio y Seminario de San Carlos, where he became a priest and professor of philosophy as the protégé of Bishop Díaz de Espada. Many of his students, including José Antonio Saco and José de la Félix Varela y Morales (1787-1853).

This Day in Cuban History – (born) November 20, 1788. Félix Varela y Morales Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – (Born) November 18, 1836. Máximo Gómez Báez

Máximo Gómez Báez, (1836-1905). Hero of Cuban Independence War of 1895-1898. Born to a lower middle-class family in the small town of Barú in Santo Domingo on November 18, he completed his primary education there, and then entered a seminary, where his education was interrupted by the Haitian invasion of 1855, when he joined the

This Day in Cuban History – (Born) November 18, 1836. Máximo Gómez Báez Leer más »

This Day in Cuban History – November 1920. Collapse of the Dance of the Millions

Cuba and sugar have been tied inseparable in history. There is an old saying that synthetizes this relationship “Sin azúcar no hay país.” The Cuban economy was radically dependent of the sugar price market fluctuations with profound implications for Cubans’ financial wellbeing. This close relationship was acutely enhanced by the boom and bust market volatility

This Day in Cuban History – November 1920. Collapse of the Dance of the Millions Leer más »

This Day In Cuban History – October 28, 1959. Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán (1932- 1959)

Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán (1932- 1959).  Raúl Castro’s predecessor as commander in chief of the armed forces, born in the Jesús del Monte district of Havana, Cienfuegos was an early supporter of Fidel Castro who sailed on the Granma and fought alongside him in the Sierra Maestra.  He entered Havana as a major in the victorious rebel army

This Day In Cuban History – October 28, 1959. Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán (1932- 1959) Leer más »

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