The Cuban Studies Institute Publications
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Cuba Facts

Myths and Realities About Cuba
Myth # 1: Fidel Castro was a naive, Robin Hood revolutionary when he reached power. Realities: • Fidel Castro was

If the U.S. were to normalized commercial relations with Cuba, U.S. investors will face numerous problems/issues which include the resolution

Literacy Year Literacy Rate [population aged 15 and over] 1953 77.9 % 2000 96.7 % Sources: Alvarez et

What Cubans Can Not Do Under Raul Castro
Cubans can not: • Travel abroad without government permission. • Change jobs without government permission. • Change residence without government

Los cubanos no pueden: • Viajar al extranjero sin permiso del gobierno. • Cambiar de empleo sin permiso del gobierno.
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Cuba Facts

Myths and Realities About Cuba
Myth # 1: Fidel Castro was a naive, Robin Hood revolutionary when he reached power. Realities: • Fidel Castro was

If the U.S. were to normalized commercial relations with Cuba, U.S. investors will face numerous problems/issues which include the resolution

Literacy Year Literacy Rate [population aged 15 and over] 1953 77.9 % 2000 96.7 % Sources: Alvarez et

What Cubans Can Not Do Under Raul Castro
Cubans can not: • Travel abroad without government permission. • Change jobs without government permission. • Change residence without government

Los cubanos no pueden: • Viajar al extranjero sin permiso del gobierno. • Cambiar de empleo sin permiso del gobierno.
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