The Cuban Studies Institute Publications

Myths and Realities About Cuba

Myth # 1: Fidel Castro was a naive, Robin Hood revolutionary when he reached power.
• Fidel Castro was a seasoned revolutionary by the time he reached power in 1959.
• He had received military training during preparations in Cuba in 1947 for an expedition against Dominican Republic’s dictator Rafael Trujillo.
• He participated in the violence that rocked Colombian society in 1948 and distributed anti-U.S. propaganda in Bogota.
• While in jail in 1954 in Cuba, he instructed one of his allies: “smile at everyone, later there will be time enough to crush all the roaches together.” Castro later revealed that he had read Lenin and became an admirer of the Russian revolutionary.
• While in the mountains, fighting the Batista dictatorship in 1958, Castro wrote: “my real destiny when I reach power is to fight the U.S.”

Myth # 2: The U.S. pushed Castro and the Cuban revolution into the Soviet camp.
• In 1959 Castro was an anti-American leader seeking to transform Cuba and remain in power indefinitely.
• He sought and received Soviet support to achieve his political agenda.
• The Soviets introduced nuclear missiles in Cuba to alter the balance of power in the World and to force the U.S. to offer concessions over Berlin, not to defend Castro from the U.S.
• If the Soviets wanted to defend Cuba they could have signed a military agreement with Castro, bring Cuba into the Warsaw Pact, or place several Soviet military divisions in the island, not introduce surreptitiously nuclear missiles that brought the World to a nuclear confrontation.
• The Cuban/Soviet alliance was one of mutual convenience and strategic interest to both countries.

Myth #3: The U.S. embargo is the cause of Cuba’s economic suffering.
• Cuba can sell to and buy from most countries except the U.S.
Food and medicines are not part of the U.S. embargo and Cuba can purchase
them from the U.S.
• The U.S. is not the cheapest country for Cuba to buy food, technology, etc.
• Cuba does not have the financial resources to purchase great quantities of needed
products in the world market and Cuba’s priorities are military spending and
support for international causes. These are the reasons there are shortages of
consumer goods in Cuba.
• Cuba’s state dominated economy, like that of the former Soviet Union is unproductive, inefficient, riddled with mismanagement and corruption.
• The suffering of the Cuban people is not the result of the U.S. embargo, but of a failed economy dominated by the Castro brothers and their military elite for 60 plus years.

Myth # 4: If we are nice to the Castro regime it will reciprocate.
• There are leaders in the world that have their own political, religious, and ideological convictions and oppose and dislike the U.S. and its policies.
• For 60 plus years the Castro brothers have shown their animosity and hatred for the U.S.
• Cuba has supported terrorist, revolutionary anti-American groups throughout the world.
• Raul Castro is unwilling to change those policies for better relations with the U.S.  Cuba did not provide any concessions to the U.S. during the Obama thaw in relations.
• Cuba’s closest allies today include Venezuela, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

Myth # 5: If American tourists visit Cuba, we can bring democracy to the island.
• For the past six decades millions of Latin American, European and Canadian tourists have visited the island: yet, Cuba is today more totalitarian and repressive than ever.
• Under the Obama Administration tourists visited Cuba’s isolated resorts, spent U.S. dollars in State owned hotels and stores thus strengthening government owned businesses while having little impact on Cuban politics.
• There is no empirical evidence that tourism, trade or investment had anything to do with the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe or the Soviet Union.
• If we believe that tourism can change a society, we should begin a massive program to send American tourists to North Korea and Iran.


8 comentarios en “Myths and Realities About Cuba”

  1. Tania Rosa López de Alvarez Bravo

    Excellent. Most of the US communities believe in those myths. It is time to clear out those opinions.

  2. On Myth #4 you failed to mention the following: Obama gave the Castro government many concessions in exchange for zero concessions. He went as far as removing Cuba from the list of governments that promote terrorism. The day after Obama, with his multiple concessions left Cuba, the government initiated an intensive propaganda campaign attacking Obama and labeling him as Uncle Tom and submissive to Yanki imperialism.
    The old rule that you can liberalize an oppressive regime by increasing people to people contacts, investments and financial support does not work in the modern context of the 21st Century Populist Socialist governments.

  3. Castro no fue revolucionario nunca. Siempre fue un ambicioso oportunista con mentalidad terrorista que aspiraba a papeles protagonicos. Su gran inspiración fue la lucha contra EEUU por su intervencion en Cuba en 1898 para apoyar la independencis contra España, la tierra de su padre, soldado español derrotado en aquella contienda. De ahí viene todo.
    Por demás me parece in buen resumen desmitificador del castrismo. Saludos.

  4. This summary of FIVE MYTHS ABOUT THE CUBAN REVOLUTION should be read by reporters covering Cuba and professors specialized on the subject. Some recent arrivals from Cuba, who grew up under Communist rule, could benefit from reading it since many of their beliefs are based in the regime’s propaganda and disinformation. It will help if copies in Spanish were made available on the island.

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