The Cuban Studies Institute Publications

What Cubans Can Not Do Under Raul Castro

Cubans can not:

• Travel abroad without government permission.

• Change jobs without government permission.

• Change residence without government permission.

• Access the Internet without government permission (the Internet is closely monitored and controlled by the government. Only 5% of the population has access to the Internet).

• Send their children to a private or religious school (all schools are government run; there are no religious schools in Cuba).

• Watch independent or private radio or TV stations (all TV and radio stations are owned and run by the government). Cubans illegally watch/listen to foreign broadcasts.

• Read books, magazines or newspapers, unless approved/published by the government (all books, magazines and newspapers are published by the government).

• Receive publications from abroad or from visitors (punishable by jail terms under Law 88).

• Seek employment with foreign companies on the island, unless approved by the government.

• Run for public office unless approved by Cuba’s Communist Party.

• Own businesses, unless they are very small and approved by the government and pay onerous taxes.

• Join an independent labor union (there is only one, government controlled labor union and no individual or collective bargaining is allowed; neither are strikes or protests).

• Retain a lawyer, unless approved by the government.

• Choose a physician or hospital. Both are assigned by the government.

• Refuse to participate in mass rallies and demonstrations organized by the Cuban Communist Party.

• Criticize the Castro regime or the Cuban Communist Party, the only party allowed in Cuba.

2 comentarios en “What Cubans Can Not Do Under Raul Castro”

  1. Raul and the Communist Party have not officially loosened control over Cuban society. Is there any evidence of informal tolerance of those persons in the general population who quietly operate around those official prohibitions? Jeff Peterson

  2. Y qué espera el pueblo cubano para decidir sus vidas y desechar ése régimen totalitario responsables de crímenes de lesa humanidad, mal llamados gobierno.

Los comentarios están cerrados.

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