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The Party is Still On

In preparation for the transfer of the Cuban presidency from General Raul Castro to Coronel Miguel Diaz-Canel on April. 19, the Cuban Communist Party-Political Bureau held its V Plenary meeting.

· Raul Castro will remain as Secretary General of the Party and head of its Politburo, until 2021, the maximum authority according to Cuba’s Constitution.
· The Politburo announced that they are studying future reforms to the Cuban Constitution but emphasized that these changes will “ratify the absolute power of the Party and the irrevocable nature of socialism (Communism).”
· General Castro recognized that there have been “errors in the modernization of the system” but blamed underlings for those errors. Did not acknowledge any personal responsibility.
· General Castro explained that the situation in the country is “more favorable than in earlier years.”

Yet General Castro failed to mention Cuba’s unpaid debt to foreign countries; the reduction of aid from Venezuela; the increasing levels of poverty; collapse of the old infrastructure (water, transportation, health and educational) system; the growing unhappiness of the population, especially the young; and the lack of revolutionary fervor or ideological commitment of most Cubans.

The succession taking place this month will mean little for the average Cuban. Diaz-Canel is a Marxist ideologue not interested in transforming the Cuban economy, but in retaining his new position. He will remain subservient to General Castro and the key generals that dominate the Politburo and rule the island.

The country will remain stagnated in a cul- de- sac. Life in Cuba will improve little while the Party continues.

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