The Cuban Studies Institute Publications

Prominent Cubans

Eusebio Mujal (1915-1985)

Labor leader.  Son of a Catalan bank employee from Guantánamo, he joined the Unión Revolucionaria Comunista in 1930, but later severed his

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Julio Lobo (1898-1983)

Powerful sugar baron with 14 ingenios in Oriente province whose plantation, Niquero, served as a rendezvous for bands of Fidel Castro’s forces.  Lobo

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José Lezama Lima (1910-1976)

Havana-born poet, essayist, and lawyer. Attracted early to writing, he helped found the literary magazines Verbum (1937), Espuela de plata (1939), and Orígenes (1944) while at

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Wifredo Lam (1902-1982)

Cuban painter born in Sagua la Grande of Chinese and Black parents.  His contact with African, Chinese, and Spanish culture

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Prominent Cubans

Fernando Ortiz y Fernández (1881-1969)

Lawyer, anthropologist, historian, sociologist, outstanding ethnographer, author, publisher, and intellectual. Born in Havana of a Spanish father and Cuban mother,

Eusebio Mujal (1915-1985)

Labor leader.  Son of a Catalan bank employee from Guantánamo, he joined the Unión Revolucionaria Comunista in 1930, but later severed his

José Miró Cardona (1902-1974)

Lawyer.  As president of the Cuban bar association, he supported the call for President Fulgencio Batista to step down in1956. 

José María Mijares (1922-2004)

Painter. Born June 23, on the outskirts of Havana, he was an only child. His painting influences were derived from

Elena Mederos de González (1900-1981)

Pioneer feminist, she founded the Alianza Nacional Feminista in 1920 and the first women’s club, the Lyceum, in 1929, with co-founder Berta

Rubén Martínez Villena (1899-1934)

Politician, poet, and short story writer, born December 20 in Alquizar, Havana province.  He became a doctor of civil law

Juan Marinello Vidaurreta (1898-1977)

A poet of the negrismo school who later became a leader of the Partido Socialista Popular.  He obtained a doctorate of Civil and

Jorge Mañach y Robato (1898-1961)

One of Cuba’s most distinguished intellectuals, whose writings criticized civic indolence and the passive acceptance of American tutelage over political

José Antonio Echeverría (1932-1957)

Student leader and revolutionary, also known as “Manzanita,” born in Cárdenas, where he attended the Marist Brothers’ school and the

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