The Cuban Studies Institute Publications


A clandestine revolutionary organization founded in 1934 by Antonio Guiteras Holmes, interior minister in the Grau San Martín administration, which had just been overthrown by Fulgencio Batista.  The organization adopted urban violence as a tactic to cripple the government of Batista’s nominee, Carlos Mendieta, and was particularly involved in the General Strike of 1935.

Jaime Greinstein (1916-1934) a Cuban-Jewish revolutionary, also known as Jaime Angulo Terry, a sympathizer of Joven Cuba, was killed by the Batista regime – the first Cuban during the republic to be executed by a military firing squad.

2 thoughts on “JOVEN CUBA (“YOUNG CUBA”)”

  1. ¿Por cual razón se habla de asesinato ante una ejecución militar oredenada por el estado cubano?
    El estado es dueño de la vida y la muerte de sus ciudadanos. Una de las funciones del estado es determinar quien muere y ejecutar ewsa tarea. No creo que sea asesinato el término adecxuado para denominar una ejecución legal y formal.
    Nunca escuché antes del tal Jaime Greisntein, por favor, ¿podrían ustedes si existe la información, de abundar algo sobre la vida y muerte de ese individuo desconocido hasta ahiora?
    Buen trabajo el que ustedes hacen. Felicitaciones.

  2. Urban violence?
    Seems a nice term for TERRORISM against the government officials and associates. Besides, why not mention the source of financing the group? They violently kidnapped affluent civilians for ransom.
    They declared a war against the State, and the State declared State of Emergency , and in this war both sides used extreme violence against each other. Batista and Pedraza pacified the country, and made possible the return to normal life.
    All this events were later covered up by the PRC (A) and removed from Cuban history books.
    But the fact that ALL the Cuban Elite from the 50s was a product of the violence of the 1933, is true.

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